

Activities can be announced on the control panel. This needs to be done at least 72 hours in advance such that you're insured with UGent. You can find a simple overview of the activities organized by the student's unions and student associations of Ghent University

Announce activity

Using the button below, you can announce activities of the association that you are a board member of.

Announce activity

As a board member of an association, you are obliged to announce your activities at least 72 hours in advance. If you don't do this, this has two major consequences for your association:

  • Your activity is not insured by Ghent University.
  • The internal and external security agencies don't know where and when your activities take place.


When you are insured by Ghent University, the following items are covered by this insurance:

  • Students enrolled at UGent are insured against various risks. Each insurance policy contains conditions and limits.
    • You can enjoy a number of insurance policies without having to pay a premium yourself. Ghent University pays the premiums.
    • Other insurances require you to pay a premium yourself.
  • Overview insurances:
    • Occupational accidents: if you become the victim of an occupational accident during or on the way to and from internship activities
    • Civil liability: if you cause damage to third parties through and during university activities
    • Personal physical accidents: if you become the victim of a personal physical accident during or on your way to and from university activities
    • Travel assistance: If you are staying temporarily outside Belgium in the context of university activities (study trips / research trips)
    Ghent University pays for these insurances.

Additional Insurance: Still like to be sure as an association and would like additional information about insurance? Then be sure to check outthis website, or contact the DSA ( for additional information, proper follow-up and referral.

Public vs. private activities

A public activity is publicly announced, for example on a site. Entrance may be limited to members of the organisation or to regisrtations, possibly caused by limited places.

A private activity works with explicit invitations, like a teambuilding or an office party. The organisation of a private activity has certain consequences:

  • The activity is only visible on the control panel for the board members of the association, the board members of the overarching konvent and the DSA.
  • Private activities do not count for the total activities needed in the annual report of your association.
  • Private activities are not eligible for subsidies.


When creating an activity for your association, you will have to specify the domain on which the activity takes place. Different terms are linked to the different domains. Beneath, you can find an overview of the different domains:

Domain Explanation
Public domain All buildings and terrain under management of the municipality. In Ghent these are managed by Stad Gent.
Ghent University All buildings and terrain under UGent management.
For all rooms and auditoria reserved through TimeEdit.
Universitary Home-domain For everything happening on Home terrain.
Online The activity is fully online. There is no physical location used.
Other All other places like private spaces.

If your activity takes place on UGent-domain and uses barbecue equipment, the security department needs to be notified using this form.

What is GDPR?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), is a privacy law that has been in force since 25 May 2018. It modernises laws around privacy and provides a uniform European framework. The GDPR gives citizens more control over how their personal data is used. Organisations must be transparent about how and why they process personal data.

At Ghent University, the requirements of the GDPR were translated into the Generic Code of Conduct for the Processing of Personal Data and Confidential Information and into the Regulations for the Proper Use of Ghent University's ICT Infrastructure - which apply to all staff and students.

Who is the data controller?

A data controller is the person who decides why and how personal data is processed. This can be a company, organization or person. At Ghent University, for example, Ghent University will be the data controller for students and employees.

When personal data are being processed, data subjects (those whose personal data you are processing) are required to be informed of the data controller, for example by being added at the bottom of an email or at an event:

(This event/activity/....) is carried out by (group, organisation, ...)

(group, organisation, ...) acts as data controller OR (group, organisation, ...) and (group, organisation, ...) act as joint data controllers.

For questions, comments or suggestions, please contact (group, organisation, ...) by emailing ...

Lawful processing of personal data

The processing of personal data is only lawful if one of the six conditions or legal grounds of the GDPR is met.

  1. Legal obligation: If a law requires it, e.g. for tax returns.
  2. Performance of a contract: If it is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subjects (not the processing agreement), e.g. sending an ordered product.
  3. Justified interests: If it is in the interest of the organisation, for example the use of camera surveillance on campus for the security of students and employees. Please note: with this legal basis, a balance must always be made between the interests of the organisation and the rights of the data subjects. For this legal basis to be used successfully, the organisation's interests must outweigh the rights of the data subjects.
  4. Consent: If the data subject has given clear and prior consent (which they can always withdraw), for example sending newsletters to which the recipient has signed up.
  5. Public interest: If it is necessary to carry out a task of general interest. This legal basis may only be used if you can demonstrate that there is a pressing social need, e.g. a poverty alleviation study.
  6. Vital interests: When dealing with life-threatening situations, such as emergency medical care in an accident.
Transparency towards those involved

It is an obligation to inform those, whose personal data you are processing, about this (see above for an example). Tell them who processes the data, why, how long it is kept and what rights they have.

As a board member of an association, it is important to ensure that this information is communicated to members and data subjects in a concise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible manner and in clear and simple language. You can share this information in various ways such as through a news item, a mention on the website, a privacy notice, an information letter or a brochure.

Rights of the data subjects

When you collect and use personal data as a board member, data subjects enjoy a number of rights that can be exercised as described below. Please note that we may ask for additional information if a data subject wishes to exercise a right. This is to prevent anyone else from abusing the data subject's rights.

  1. Access: Asking what data you have on the individual and getting a copy.
  2. Correction: Getting errors in their data corrected.
  3. Withdrawal of consent: withdraw consent if they want to.
  4. Erasure: Asking for data to be deleted when it is no longer needed.
  5. Restriction of processing: asking to use less data in certain situations.
  6. Object: Object to the use of their data, especially in direct marketing.
Retention period of personal data

One rule: no longer retention than necessary. So after an event, retained data should be deleted.

Useful tips

As an association, we would like to use tools that better match our values for privacy and data protection. Here are some useful alternatives to well-known services:

If you organise an event in the public domain, you need to apply for a “taking public domain” permit.


You can report an event using the Ghent police's event reporting form. Do this at least 4 weeks in advance.

  • Remark: Best to do this even earlier as it always takes a long time for the police to respond. The earlier you pass this on, the better!


You can apply for a permit to occupy the public domain via the online form at the top of this page or via this link. Do this at least 6 weeks in advance.

Upon receipt of your application, the City of Ghent will examine your application and request opinions from the various city and security services.

Through the citizen profile, you can track the status of your application. The latest status can be found under notifications.

Important documents

A site plan: A site plan with a clear representation of the event zone shows exactly where tents, stages, sanitary facilities, catering areas, and technical installations such as sound equipment and lighting will be placed. The plan also regulates traffic flows for pedestrians and vehicles, including entrances, exits and parking areas, and includes safety measures such as emergency exits and fire extinguishers, crucial for the safe and organised running of the event. The following is provided for this purpose:

  • The plan includes landmarks of the surrounding area (surrounding streets, street names, buildings, car parks, trees...)
  • All arrangements (e.g. stages) are drawn in the correct location and at realistic size
  • There is a legend or clear description on the plan
  • Free passages with dimensions are on the plan
  • Take into account already existing infrastructure e.g. bike racks, bollards, road furniture....

Depending on your event, you will also need the documents below:


For occupations of the public domain, you theoretically have to pay a fee, although there are plenty of exemptions. You can read all exemptions and exceptions in article 6 of the fee regulations.

Rent equipment

You can freely lend party equipment from the City of Ghent. You can find all information on the following website

The province East Flanders also has a lending service, for a small price. More information can be found on the following website.


If you would like a water supply connection for your event, please contact Farys on 078 35 35 99. All info via the following website.


SABAM collects the compulsory fee for public performance rights when using the work of musicians, writers, filmmakers.... The fee goes to the author or composer of the lyrics or music. The equitable remuneration is requested when you use music or lyrics in public of which others are the author or composer. You arrange Sabam and the Fair Compensation with one license and through one payment on Unisono's platform. More info can be found on the following website.


Below, the various regulations can be found regarding IOD.

Liquor licence?

All information regarding this can be found here.

What with waste?

You can clean up and dispose of everything yourself, or use the services of a waste management company. Ivago can also help you with this. All info via the website of Ivago.

Initiation activities

Initiation activities must be compliant with the initiation decree and correctly announced to the overarching konvent of the association.

Searching activities

Beside announcing activities, you can also search for activities. You can easily find coming activities of the association of your choice, or take a deep dive in the history of our archive that goes all the way back to 2003.

Overview activities

Information forms

This document registers the new board digitally at the services of the university. After submission the new board will have access to the associations dashboard on this site, reserve locations in TimeEdit,...

After submitting, the pdf version of the form must be downloaded and signed. You must submit the signed form before October 15th, 19:00 on the page of the information form. Only then will the information form be approved.

The board members must be enrolled before October 15th for a study programme from Ghent University (excluding PhD students) for at least 27 credits, with the exception of the graduation year. If a board member is not enrolled, the form will automatically be refused. Exceptions are not possible.

Submit information form

Bank forms

The bankform states which bank account is used for the associations funds and who the proxy holders are. This is an official document required of all recognised student associations at the UGhent.

After submitting, the pdf version of the form must be downloaded and signed by the bank. You must submit the signed form before October 15th, 19:00 on the page of the form. Only then will the bank form be approved. If the bank gives instead its own signed form with the same information, that form can be uploaded instead.

Starting from 1st May it is possible to upload a form for the next academic year. Only the current board can submit a form.

Provide the full name of the people who will be proxy holder of this account, with their address (street, number, postal code & city) as it was provided to the bank (at least 2 proxy holders are required)

Submit bank form


Each year you have to upload the latest version of your statutes. These have to be made according to the model templates you can find under the important documents.

Submit bylaws

Enrollment certificates

Certificates of enrollment of the chairman, co-chairman, treasurer and webmaster need to be submitted. This proves that the board members are UGhent-students registered for at least 27 credits. You can download this certificate "Enrollment certificate with programme" on Oasis, under "My Oasis" and then "Certificates". These should not be added to the report, but must be uploaded separately.

Submit enrollment certificates

Annual reports

Each year, every recognised association submits an annual report to the DSA using this platform, consisting of four parts:

The first part consists of a summation of the chairman, co-chairman, treasurer and webmaster, with their full name and function. We expect an overview of who performs which function within the board.

The second part contains the (on this site) announced and publicly accessible activities that have been organised by the association in the past calendar year (min. 10), evidenced by enough documentation (Facebook event, pictures, flyers, posters,...) and financial disclosure for each activity. At least five of these activities require a justification on how it fits the goal(s) and purpose(s) of the association and the konvent of which the association is part (according to art. 8§3 of the Student Association rules).

The third part is a financial section that needs to be added in the attachment.

The fourth part is an automatically generated chronological overview of all the activities.

There is a template (association / konvent) available that contains all parts that must be filled in. Both parts are merged and the evidence is added on the relevant place, after that a digital version is submitted on this page. When uploading the annual report, the public activities from the control panel will be automatically added in chronological order. If wanted, you can add additional activities in the report itself.

Aside from review to keep the statute of an official UGent student organisation, the annual report will also be catalogued in the university archive, which can be found in the Rectoraat. This way the history of the students associations is tracked and stored safely. We encourage anyone to put some extra effort by adding documentation outside of the mandatory documents that could be a worthwhile addition to the University Archive.

Starting from November 1st, it is possible to upload the yearly report of that calendar year.

Submit annual report

Academic Calendar

The academic calendar of the DSA notes the important deadlines that are imposed on all official student associations, to guarantee a smooth working year and required to keep their recognition.

October 15th

The information form, the bank form and the bylaws should be generated online and signed before the 15th of October, 7 p.m. You can find the enrollment certificate on Oasis. This should also be submitted before the 15th of October, 7 p.m.

  • Information form: This document registers the new board digitally at the services of the university. After submission the new board will be able to announce activities, reserve locations in TimeEdit,...
  • Bank form: This document registers the transfer of bank account of the association from the old board to the new board. Take the generated and filled in document to your bank office for signing, after which it can be submitted.
  • Bylaws: This results in an always up-to-date central database of the bylaws of all associations.
  • Enrollment certificates: This proves that the chairman, co-chairman, treasurer and webmaster are registered at UGhent for at least 27 credits.
  • Board members of associations can view the status of these documents at any time on the dashboard of the association.

    March 5th

    Each year, before the 5th of March, every recognised association must submit their annual report to the DSA on this control panel. This report is not only used for the review of the official recognition of the association, but it is also kept securely in the university archive, which is located in the central administration, with the goal of keeping track of the history of student associations.


    Here you can upload reports of meetings of your association. This way, your successors can find relevant information there about previous years, and is there no possibility for those documents to get lost. Konvents are obligated to share their reports of General assembly meetings with the student coordinator. This can be done by simply uploading it here, or they have to do it through an other means of their own.

    Submit report