
Location reservations

Student house The Therminal

As a board member of an association you can view the location reservations and create new ones via the button below. DSA manages the periods during which you can reserve the various locations with your association. An overview of these reservation periods can be found on the dashboard of your association.

Overview location reservation

Associations can reserve and use the locations in studenthouse The Therminal for their activities. These are often reserved months in advance, so there's always some activity going on. If a location has already been reserved by another association, you can add it to your wishlist and we'll notify you should it still become available.

Whoever made the reservation is responsible for compliance to the rules regarding location reservations, as established in the request form. Be sure to check the Therminal house rules to know about all the possibilities and rules. Any infringement of those rules can lead to a ban for all future reservation in The Therminal for the remaining academic year.

The student coordinator and secretary can, if need be, assign a different location.

Associations are responsible for clean-up after an event. When the event involves food, it is necessary to provide the required cleaning equipment yourself.


Capacity (standing)
360 Persons
Capacity (seated)
150 Persons
250 m²
ground floor
Can be reserved
Accessible for wheelchair users

Permanently present devices

  • Projector with HDMI-connection
  • Sound amplification
  • Fridge
  • Lectern

Information regarding equipment Podium room

The following equipment is not included as standard

  • USBC-connection or adaptor
  • Microphone
  • Pointer
  • HDMI extension cord
  • Extension cords

General rules equipment

  • Only use the buttons mentioned in this explanation
  • Avoid pulling out the HDMI cable.
  • Be patient; the system requires some time to boot up

Equipment instructions Podium room

General steps equipment

Activatie the following elements:

  • Sennheiser, top left
  • CP1200: Power, top right
  • Black volume display, power button: middle right

Use of projector

Projector is off, OFF = Red

Turning on the projector

  1. Next steps are on white Extron display
    • Press the ON button
    • Wait until the light stops blinking
    • Press the top right button
    • Press laptop button on the right
  2. Next steps are on black Extron display
    • HDMI laptop: press input 2
  3. Connect the HDMI cable

Projector is on, ON = Red

Use of audio connection

Audio only possible through HDMI/projector

  • See general steps and use of projector
  • Volume icon on laptop = Extron HDMI

White Extron display

  • Volume = full

Black volume display

  • Power button = on
  • Do not press any buttons

Use of microphone

  • See general steps

Black volume display

  • Portable microphone: input mic 1 or 2
    • Only change volumes here
  • Portable microphone = loopmic
    • Only change volumes here
  • Make sure the right button is pressed

Use of power distributor

  • Connect the main cable to the distributor
  • Make sure the main switch faces upwards
  • White window with large main switch on the right
  • Make sure the required partial switches are facing upwards
  • 2 rows of blue circuit breakers

Na gebruik

  • Switches back off
  • Cable out and back
  • Put everything in its place

Need help?

Stop by during office hours or mail to
Capacity (standing)
180 Persons
Capacity (seated)
138 Persons
180 m²
second floor
Can be reserved
Accessible for wheelchair users

Permanently present devices

  • Projector with a VGA & HDMI connector
  • Sound amplification
  • Fridge

Information regarding equipment Trechter room

The following equipment is not included as standard

  • USBC-connection or adaptor
  • Microphone
  • Pointer
  • HDMI extension cord
  • Extension cords

General rules equipment

  • Only use the buttons mentioned in this explanation
  • Avoid pulling out the HDMI cable.
  • Be patient; the system requires some time to boot up

Equipment instructions Trechter room

Use of projector

Projector is off, OFF = Red

Turning on the projector

  1. Next steps are on white Extron display
    • Press the ON button
    • Wait until the light stops blinking
    • Press the top right button
    • Press laptop button on the right
  2. Next steps are on black Extron display
    • HDMI laptop: press input 2
  3. Connect the HDMI cable

Projector is on, ON = Red

Need help?

Stop by during office hours or mail to
Capacity (standing)
190 Persons
Capacity (seated)
50 Persons
100 m²
first floor
Can be reserved
Accessible for wheelchair users

Permanently present devices

  • Fridge
Capacity (standing)
110 Persons
Capacity (seated)
34 Persons
65 m²
first floor
Can be reserved
Accessible for wheelchair users

Permanently present devices

  • TV with HDMI-connection
  • Fridge
Capacity (standing)
40 Persons
Capacity (seated)
20 Persons
20 m²
first floor
Can be reserved
Accessible for wheelchair users

Permanently present devices

  • TV with VGA- & HDMI-connection
Capacity (standing)
40 Persons
Capacity (seated)
20 Persons
20 m²
second floor
Can be reserved
Accessible for wheelchair users

Permanently present devices

  • TV with VGA- & HDMI-connection

Ghent University

Student associations can reserve rooms outside of The Therminal from Ghent University through TimeEdit. These reservations need to be made at least 3 weeks in advance. No rental costs are charged for use, except for an extra fee for the housekeeper if the activity ends past 22 o'clock. In case of damages these costs are also charged. The invoice for these charges is sent to the address given on the reservation form.

Equipment reservations

Student house The Therminal

The Student Activities Office has a small stock of equipment that can be loaned out to associations. As a board member of an association, you can see available material here and request reservations.

Student house The Therminal has some multimedia-equipment available that can be borrowed. The devices need to be reserved separately on this page. Caution: the devices need to be collected during the opening hours of the DSA secretary's office and returned the next day before midday, during those opening hours.

Whoever reserved the beverage stockroom is responsible for compliance with the rules as described in the Therminal house rules (article 8).

Ghent University

The recognised student associations can reserve exposition material (chairs, folding chairs, (reception) tables, table covers, lighting, extension cords. speaking tribunes,...) at the office of expositions of Ghent University. To reserve these items you need to visit us in the Therminal or send an email. Careful! Don't be too late with this reservation as this service is offered to the entire workforce of the university.

External rental services

Rental service City of Ghent

City of Ghent offers a free of charge rental service (Dutch only) for publicly available, non-commercial activities that are held within the city bounds. After registering an account for the association, material can be reserved in their online webshop.

Rental service Oost-Vlaanderen

Province Oost-Vlaanderen has a rental service (Dutch only) where material can be rented for a very low cost. After registering an account for the association material can be reserved in their online webshop.

Beverage stockroom

In The Therminal it is possible to use a beverage stockroom, which offers beverages for recognized associations. The cost of the beverages used will be invoiced to the association. Emtpies will not be billed.

There is a separate beverage stockroom which can be reserved, given motivation, in the location reservation tool.

Whoever reserved the beverage stockroom is responsible for compliance with the rules as described in the Therminal house rules (article 8).

Price lists


Beverage Price per item Price per case amount per case
Jupiler € 0.900 €21.600 24
Coca-Cola € 0.800 €19.200 24
Cola-Zero € 0.800 €19.200 24
Bruiswater € 0.300 €7.200 24
Plat water € 0.300 €7.200 24
Ice Tea € 0.900 €21.600 24


DSA provides the use of shared cars through Cambio to recognized student organizations. Drivers who will use the Cambio vans must be registered on the control panel. DSA processes these requests and registers the drivers with Cambio. Associations can submit their own reservations afterwards via the Cambio app. Their consumption is billed to them monthly.

The exact prices can be found on the Cambio site, in the COMFORT column. The total price is the cost for renting combined with the kilometres. The responsibility in case of e.g. incidents lies with the driver. These costs are then automatically calculated and sent by invoice.

Everything related to conditions and insurances can be found here:

Organizing Events

Good preparation leads to a successful event: think in advance not only about date, location and practical organization, but also about framing, publicity and possible financing.

Do you want to organize an activity or event at UGent? Before you get started, there are some things you should think about:

  • Target audience. Who is your activity intended for? Who do you want to reach? How will you reach your target audience? And for whom is your activity not intended or less intended?
  • Objective. Why are you organizing this activity? What do you want to accomplish with it?
  • Format. Is organizing an activity the best way to achieve your goal? Are there other formats or channels you would like to use?

From the moment you know an answer to the above questions, you can get started.

Date and location of your event

Set the date and time of your activity in consultation with those involved. If necessary, take into account what you know about your target audience's schedule and habits.

More information on reserving through TimeEdit can be found on the internal page Reserving Ghent University Infrastructure for activities.

Are you organizing an online activity? Then be sure to check out this link: online presentation (The Floor is Yours)

Practical Organisation


Regardless of whether you are hosting an indoor or outdoor event, safety is always an important aspect to consider. For larger events, contact in advance.

Be sure to check out this link for more safety at events.


Want to organize an event sustainably? These guidelines for sustainable events can get you started.


Overview options:

Questions? Contact a booking manager:


Contact the person in charge of your location regarding practical arrangements:


Technical support is available in a limited number of rooms. Not all rooms are equipped for hybrid activities. Find more info on TimeEdit.

Want wireless internet (wifi)? Request a Ghent University guest account in good time.


Need additional materials?


Need a photographer? Contact for contact information photographers.


Are your insurances in order?

Security and Permanence

You can contact the Permanency Center 24/7 voor emergencies such as:

  • Threat to persons, fire, explosion, bomb threat
  • Medical emergency, hazardous materials accident
  • Electrical breakdowns, flooding, blocked elevator
  • Environmental pollution

Promote your activity

Distribute news or information through Ghent University channels: check

Borrow promotional materials such as beach flags, rollups,.. or the Ghent University bouncy castle!