
1. Achievement of the year

An association that accomplished something crazy, set up a very cool initiative, brought back a lost tradition, an activity that attracted a very wide and diverse audience,... Something people don't know about.


2. Funniest use of a pun/wordplay in name activity

Puns/wordplay are staples of student life these days. Sometimes these are incredibly bad, but fortunately some are so good that they deserve some extra attention.


3. Best poster for an activity

A poster is THE way to attract people to an activity. They have to stand out, which posters managed to do that this year?

Zeus WPI

4. Warmest/Most sustanable association

A warm association is an association that works for society, for other people, for a good cause, a nice gesture, voluntary work,... In short, everything that makes us feel a little warm inside.

Home Vermeylen

5. Nicest fraternisation

A fraternisation can involve many things: two associations joining forces to organise a party, an association collaborating with an educational institution to do an activity, an unusual partner,...


6. Most creative activity

An activity never seen before, a crazy theme for a party, a creative decoration,...


7. Most student-iconic photo

Are there any photos within your association that just scream student-ness? Have you managed to capture the essence of student life in photos? Send us your best snaps and show what student associations mean to you.


8. Bad luck of the year

Not everything always goes as planned, a corona contamination just before your first cantus as praeses, a supplier cancelling at the last minute, a facebook event that had the wrong date on it,... Do you know a society that was really unlucky this year?


9. Unique tradition

What is going on in your club, how can you be recognised, what do you do as a club that others find strange but which makes you unique?


10. Best Mascot

Which association has the most memorable, original or funny mascot that perfectly represents their identity and spirit?

1. Achievement of the year

An association that accomplished something crazy, set up a very cool initiative, brought back a lost tradition, an activity that attracted a very wide and diverse audience,... Something people don't know about.

Student fanfare

2. Funniest use of a pun/wordplay in name activity

Puns/wordplay are staples of student life these days. Sometimes these are incredibly bad, but fortunately some are so good that they deserve some extra attention.


3. Best poster for an activity

A poster is THE way to attract people to an activity. They have to stand out, which posters managed to do that this year?


4. Warmest association

A warm association is an association that works for society, for other people, for a good cause, a nice gesture, voluntary work,... In short, everything that makes us feel a little warm inside.

Home Boudewijn

5. Most sustainable association

An association committed to the environment.


6. Nicest fraternisation

A fraternisation can involve many things: two associations joining forces to organise a party, an association collaborating with an educational institution to do an activity, an unusual partner,...

PKarus, Poutrix, Beam, Macht, Hermes, VTK and CenEka

7. Most original activity

An activity never seen before, a crazy theme for a party, a creative decoration,...

Home Konvent

8. Most original sports activity

Just about all associations do sports activities, but some associations do very crazy/cool/original sports activities. They also deserve a place in our awards show.

Zeus WPI

9. Most student-iconic photo

Are there any photos within your association that just scream student-ness? Have you managed to capture the essence of student life in photos? Send us your best snaps and show what student associations mean to you.

HSC Dionysus

10. Bad luck of the year

Not everything always goes as planned, a corona contamination just before your first cantus as praeses, a supplier cancelling at the last minute, a facebook event that had the wrong date on it,... Do you know a society that was really unlucky this year?

Home Fabiola

11. Newcomer of the year

A completely new praesidium, a new club, a new activity? What was there this year that wasn't there last year but was nevertheless a great success?


12. Best club song

If you are a fan of your own or another club's club song, record it and send it on. Or send us the lyrics and melody!


13. Funniest hype

What is going on in your club, how can you be recognised, what do you do as a club that others find strange but which makes you unique?