Detailpage Home Bertha de Vriese

Home Bertha de Vriese, the university's youngest Home, is located on campus de Sterre. The rooms are studios, after all, a little more luxury and peace and quiet is allowed already ;) The fact that this is the Benjamin of homes does not stop our students from having a good time from time to time. The praesidium aims to make life at Home Bertha pleasant for the residents by offering various small activities. These can range from a quiz to a bar night or a start-to-run, a movie or series night or museum activity, a board game night or a pool or poker tournament, and so on. Every semester there is also invariably the Bertha party, which gets more famous among students every year and makes for night-to-remember (and a lot of hangovers) time and again. The praesidium also looks after the interests of the residents and acts as a means of communication between UGent and the students. The coat of arms has the colours of the rooms: salmon pink and green. The cat is there because - especially at sunset - there are more cats around the building than students in it. Furthermore, the cat can also be seen as a reference to the reputation of our parties. The two stars symbolise the two blocks located on campus de Sterre.

Future activities

No activity planned.


General information

Home Konvent
Legal entity
Unincorporated association