Detailpage Studentenraad Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen
StuBio is de Facultaire Studentenraad van de Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen van de UGent. Stubio vertegenwoordigt en verdedigt (de belangen van) de studenten. Dit kan gaan van de faculteitsraad, opleidingscommissies, en alle andere commissies aan onze faculteit. Wij gaan over alle thema's die onze studenten aanbelangen.
Future activities
No activity planned.
Past activities
Election MeetingMay 7Tuesday 07/05 at 7pm is the time for our 8th General Assembly (AV) of this academic year, the VOTING AV! This AV we will vote for the new StuBio board of academic year 2024-2025. You are welcome to stop by and get to know more about our organisation! If you have any questions please contact us via our social media or via mail (
General Meeting 6Mar 25
PancakeactionMar 18
- Abbreviation
- stubio
- Parent
- Gentse Studentenraad
- Website
- Legal entity
- Unincorporated association